Monday, November 06, 2006

The biggest blunder in Videogame history?

What's the biggest blunder in Videogame history? How about Nintendo backstabbing Sony and not following through with the CD-Rom attachment for the SNES? Stan Lee from Marvel Comics should do a special issue of "What If...Nintendo partnered with Sony for a SNES addon?". Ever since Nintendo turned their back on Sony, Sony backlashed with the PlayStation, PS2, and soon the PS3. Nintendo hasn't been successful with a home console since the SNES (obviously they are somehow winning the portable console battle). The PS3 is almost upon us and chances are no one reading this blog will own a PS3 this year because they will be such a hot commodity. If you are one of those people who are thinking about purchasing a Wii and Xbox 360, please save your money instead. The Wii is not an advanced console by any means. The controller will be cool at first because of it's 'newness', but mark my words: you will grow tired of it. I have already talked to various developers and there's only so much they can do with the controller. Nintendo will have to rely on first party support because third party will dwindle down.
So where can PS3 excel besides graphics? They will have to deliver a top-notch internet game delivery system. For instance, offering downloadable games will be a key win for Sony. Yes, Xbox live offers that stuff I'm sure. But Xbox doesn't have David Jaffe or even Factor 5. I am also trying to talk to Team 17 to port some of their older classics like Project X and Alien Breed to this new system. I'm still under the belief that these simple and less costly games are what gamers want. Epic games like God of War are cool, but give me a quick and dirty shoot-em-up or beat-em-up and I'll be loving life.


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